
As a candidate for the Town of Highland Park Council, I am committed to serving the people with honesty and integrity. If elected as your Town Councilmember, I will prioritize the needs and concerns of the community above all else. My focus will be on finding practical solutions and promoting transparency in the decision-making process. I value open communication and will ensure that your voices are heard through public forums and debates. Your right to express grievances and engage in public discourse will always be respected. Trust that I will work tirelessly for the betterment of our city and its residents.


Venturing down Beverly Drive on my way to work last week, a sight caught my eye that had never graced my vision before - a homeless man, bearing a sign, stationed at the crossroads of Beverly and Eton. It was a stark reminder of the swift transformations that can overtake our once serene, law-abiding, and God-fearing neighborhoods, plunging them into the depths of lawlessness and pandemonium. Even the most secure schools nestled within the safest communities are not immune to the perils of both internal strife and external threats. We must remain ever vigilant, attuned to the subtle shifts that may signify deeper troubles lurking beneath the surface, and devise innovative solutions and protection to shield our community from harm.


Public Safety

I have personally encountered the unsettling reality of theft. However, in the year 2023, I took a stand for progress in the realm of town building management, leading to a notable decrease in theft occurrences within the confines of Highland Park. But why stop there? Let's delve into the realm of innovation and forward-thinking solutions. Imagine a world where surveillance cameras line the routes our children traverse daily on their way to school, a proactive measure to combat the alarming rate of child abductions and kidnappings that plague unsupervised youngsters in school zones. A single image captured by these cameras, be it of a suspect's vehicle or license plate, could prove invaluable in safeguarding our community's most vulnerable members. Furthermore, with the surge of passing commuters seeking shortcuts through our town during rush hours, the presence of law enforcement becomes imperative. Increased police patrols can serve as a deterrent to potential wrongdoers, ensuring the safety and security of our residents as they navigate through our bustling streets. In this era of boundless possibilities, let us embrace a future where creativity and cutting-edge solutions merge to create a safer, more resilient community for all.

Strength in Education

One of the factors influencing my decision to enroll my daughter in an ESD program was the class size at the middle school level. It is evident that many high-achieving and intellectually gifted students are enrolled in public schools, underscoring the necessity for smaller class sizes to ensure a high-quality education that will fortify the strength of these institutions.

Transparency and fiscal responsibility

I firmly assert that achieving sustainability and fiscal responsibility hinges on local government transparency. Implementing an independent audit at the conclusion of each election year is crucial to ensuring transparency. To maximize local revenue growth, we must explore innovative administrative strategies, venture into new revenue streams, and revolutionize expenditure management to optimize our limited resources. I have delved into the realm of artificial intelligence to uncover hidden patterns in administrative costs that were previously overlooked by traditional methods. Let us embrace these tools not as a replacement for our employees, but as a means to usher in a new era of heightened awareness and operational efficiency.



Unleash the potential for local revenue growth through innovative administrative strategies, venturing into uncharted revenue territories, and revolutionizing expenditure management to unleash the full power of scarce resources. I have embarked on a journey into the realm of AI to uncover hidden patterns in administrative costs that were previously unseen by my accounting team. Let us embrace these tools not to replace our employees, but to ignite a new era of awareness and efficiency.


Preserve our attractive neighborhood!

I possess a profound admiration for the Town of Highland Park, renowned for its quaint old-town ambiance and distinctive character. While acknowledging the necessity for communities to progress, I am steadfast in my commitment to preserving the current essence of our town for posterity. Our town is envisioned as a sanctuary we can proudly call home, distinguished by its safety, security, verdant landscapes, and a harmonious blend of historical and contemporary architectural styles that epitomize cleanliness and efficiency. I am disheartened by the prevailing trend of speculative builders hastening through projects with subpar designs to reduce expenses, resulting in structures that fail to harmonize with the aesthetic of our community and diminish property values. Conversely, the construction of high-quality homes has become more intricate and time-intensive. Striking a balance between the old and the new, as well as between shoddy workmanship and excellence, is imperative. Drawing upon my extensive experience as a developer and builder of multi-million-dollar estates, coupled with my service on the Town council, I am well-prepared to confront these challenges. Collaborating closely with town building officials, my objective is to enlighten and rectify deficiencies in the building process to uphold the integrity of our community.

The issue of real estate assemblage, which involves acquiring adjacent land parcels to create larger developments for wealthier individuals, is a significant concern that requires immediate attention. There have been instances where empty nesters, who already own large plots of land, are using assemblage tactics to prevent new residents from acquiring property in The Town of Highland Park. If this trend continues, it may have negative effects on the town's sales tax revenue, property taxes, and overall revenue. Additionally, allowing this practice to persist could lead to a decrease in the number of families living within the town limits. It is crucial that this issue is addressed promptly to protect the future prosperity of our community.

In a landscape where the Highland Park Village stands as a solitary beacon of retail allure, the scarcity of commercial real estate poses a formidable hurdle for local enterprises. The dearth of parking spaces further compounds the challenge, casting a shadow over the vibrant potential of the area. Regrettably, the opaque veil shrouding the local government has given rise to a pressing parking predicament for both residents and visitors alike. As a visionary developer, I am attuned to the intricacies of zoning loopholes and poised to confront those who would exploit them for self-serving gains, rather than championing the collective prosperity of the town and its inhabitants.

I have extensively analyzed the zoning regulations and have developed definitive solutions to resolve issues regarding substructures below ground level, front retaining walls, and complex topography. These modifications are designed to eliminate any uncertainties that have been causing disruptions and disputes for numerous homeowners. My unwavering dedication to upholding zoning laws and fostering transparency highlights my steadfast commitment to delivering dependable resolutions for the ambiguities present in the current zoning and ordinance.



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